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What is smudging/saging?


"Smudging" is the common name given to a powerful cleansing technique from the Native American tradition; however, the burning of herbs for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification is a common practice among many religious, healing, and spiritual traditions. It is a ceremonial way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences. It is also an effective method for energizing or blessing a person, place or object.

How to Perform a Sage Cleansing Ritual

1.  Buy a sage smudge stick , it can be white sage or a mixture of sages, such as white, cedar and sweet grass,then find a bowl to hold it over (traditionally, abalone shell is used).  Also set up a cup of water to extinguish it after the ritual. Buy some incense as well, Frankincense is a good one to use.

2.  Open every door and window in your house, and turn on fans if you have them. This is very importnant, you dont want to trap the negative energy in your home.

3.  Light the sage stick, when it catches fire, blow it out and allow the embers to start to smoke (like you would light incense). Light the incense at this time.

4.  Set your intention for each room.  Say a prayer of cleansing.  there are some blessing/prayers suggestions below.

5.  Walk around the room, waving the sage stick so its smoke drifts into corners, along walls, around windows, and along ceiling lines.  As you do, imagine the smoke absorbing negativity, problems from those who were in the space before you, toxicity, and anything else you want to go away.  See the smoke dissipating and floating out the windows, and imagine that bad energy flowing out of your space, making room for positive, fresh energy. Follow it up witht the incense after every corner, wall , ect that you sage.

6.  After you’ve blessed every room, give yourself a sage shower.  Cup your hands over the smoke and “wash” your face with it, then wave it all over your body as you would in a water shower.  Visualize any residual negativity sailing out of your body, out of your home, and into oblivion. 

7.  Extinguish the stick in the cup of water or – if your stick was very small or is almost done – flush it down the toilet.  You can also bury it in your back yard (if you are very sure that it is extinguished).






"Negativity that invades my sacred place I banish you away with the light of my grace. You have no hold or power here. For I stand and face you with no fear. Be gone forever, for this I will say. This is my sacred place and you will obey"


"Spirits that harbours ill intent,
Begone with you & never come again.
Only those with goodwill

may enter & roam
& visit this place that I call home"


" Smoke of air

and fire of earth

cleanse and bless

this home and hearth


Drive away

all harm and fear;

only good

may enter here



May this home be blessed.

May good fortune follow

Those who pass through this door.

Safe journeys for those who enter.

May this floor lighten the steps

of all tread upon its surface

And also provide a stable place to stand.

May these walls soak in the

rich sounds of laughter and loving,

hung with art and memories,

protection from the fiercest winds.

May this roof hold strong

And these roots sink deep.

This is home

A place of safety and joy,

A place to rest and create,

A place for me.

May this home be blessed.


Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that

trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,

The power, and the glory,

For ever and ever.







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